Search Results
Keynote: Kubernetes is Still Hard (for Developers) - Michelle Noorali, Software Engineer, Deis
Keynote Panel: Moving to the Modern Infrastructure - moderated by Michelle Noorali
Keynote: CNCF Project Updates - Michelle Noorali, Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Azure
Keynote: Kubernetes by Kelsey Hightower, Staff Developer Advocate, Google
Pre-Conference Welcome Remarks - Michelle Noorali, Deis and 2017 Program Co-Chair
Delivering Kubernetes Apps w Helm - Adnan Abdulhussein, Bitnami & Michelle Noorali, Deis
Kubernetes is Still Hard for App Developers, Let’s Fix That! - Aaron Schlesinger, Microsoft
Intro: Helm - Michelle Noorali & Matt Fisher, Microsoft
Taking the Helm: Delivering Kubernetes-Native Applications by Michelle Noorali
Keynote: Kubernetes Federation - Kelsey Hightower, Google
Exploring the Future of the Kubernetes Ecosystem
Helm with Michelle Noorali